- Overview
- Certifications
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- Investor Relations
Disclosure under Regulation 46 of SEBI LODR
- Code of Conduct
- Board of Directors
- Financials
- Unclaimed / Unpaid Dividend
- Shareholding Pattern
- Annual Reports
- Corporate Governance
- Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report.
- Compliance Officer
- Registrar & Share Transfer Agents
- Share Prices
- Investor Queries/Complaints
- News
- Shivalik Corporate Policies
- Transfer of Shares to IEPF Account
- Investor Education and Protection Fund
- Related Party Transactions
- Forms
- Strictly Conduct Process Operations In Compliance With Occupational Health, Safety And Environmental Requirements.
- Minimise risk by continual improvement in processes.
- Ensure that all employees shall be competent to perform the assigned task safely and continual efforts to create awareness of occupational health, safely and environment through education and training.
- Ensure that processes remain nonpolluting and environment friendly.
- Commitment to continual improvement of the occupational health and safety and environmental management system.
- Commitment to consultation and participation of the employees.
- The company shall not support any child labour or forced labour in any of its activities
- The company shall strive to provide a safe, clean, and healthy environment for its employees
- The company is committed to the welfare of its employees and shall strictly comply with the Government regulations regarding workers
- The company shall not discriminate on basis of caste, gender, race, religion, disability or political affiliation
- The company is committed to integrity and trust by being open and honest in all its dealings
- The company shall not engage in or tolerate any illegal or criminal activity.
For enquiries please click herePolicies
M/s shivalik bi-metal controls ltd. Is committed to ensure good occupational hygiene, health, safety and clean environment to its all employees as part of its business ethics as follows:The policy shall be made available to interested parties as required.
We Are Committed To Win & Enhance The Confidence Of Our Customers By Ensuring Timely Delivery Of Quality Products. We Commit To Meet All Statutory & Regulatory Requirements And To Ensure Continual Improvement Of The Established Quality Management System Through The Involvement Of Every Individual In The Company.
The company will behave in an ethical manner in all its activities whether related to Employees, Customers, Suppliers and Society in general. The following guidelines are specifically stated in this regardAbout Us
Copyright © 2019 Shivalik Bimetal Controls Ltd
Disclosure under Regulation 46 of SEBI LODR